Upcoming Competitions

The PNW has competitions all across Washington, Oregon, Alaska, BC, and parts of Idaho and Monatana.

All competitions are open to all competitors of all ages and experiences.

If registration has closed for a competition, you might be able to still visit it if the competition allows. Check on the competition's website for more information on if spectators are allowed.

If you attended one of these competitions and want to leave feedback, you can do so on our feedback form!

Olympia Classic 2024May 5th

Olympia, Washington

PortlaNxNd 2024May 11th

Portland, Oregon

Quiet Seattle Spring 2024May 18th

Seattle, Washington

Kent Spring 2024May 25th

Kent, Washington

Pitt Meadows Spring Open 2024May 26th

Pitt Meadows, British Columbia

Please Be Quiet Anchorage 2024June 1st

Anchorage, Alaska

Bellingham Spring 2024June 1st

Bellingham, Washington

The Last Frontier Summer 2024June 2nd

Anchorage, Alaska

Vancouver's on Tracks 2024June 8th

Vancouver, British Columbia

Spokane Spring 2024June 15th

Spokane, Washington

Husky Pride Seattle 2024June 15th

Seattle, Washington

Hillsboro Favorites 2024June 15th

Hillsboro, Oregon

CubingUSA Northwest Championship 2024June 28th - 30th

Lynnwood, Washington

Panhandle Lake Cube & Camp 2024July 27th

Shelton, Washington

Tacoma Summer 2024August 3rd

Tacoma, Washington

BC Championship 2024August 16th - 18th

Nanaimo, British Columbia